Tuesday, 25 October 2011


We extend our helps to the poor School Children financially—by paying term-fees once in a year.  When they admire us why and we teach them the Gospel first and they gradually come to the fold.

We, the Evangelists and Missionaries of VMM go to our Field Villages and find them that are sick and affected with Chronicle Diseases and         guide them to the relief through Clinical Treatment as well we take Pastors to the particular homes for praying for the sick that they may be healed divinely.

This is a scheme and plan that the children can support the children themselves ie., the able children can support the unable children in many aspects ie., by helping the unable children to come up from poor standard to a better one and from ill health to healthy one and from non-educational to an educational one etc.  We approach the rich and           moderate children’s home and explain the house holds how we can love our neighbours by our actions and deeds in so much how they can extend their helps to the needy and poor children who are in the down stage in many aspects. They feel awareness and almost all of them start getting into the action.  Thus through this system it becomes           possible that a child can care a child to a successive level.


            Our Evangelists and Missionaries go on a survey in our targeted villages and Field-villages and gather up the very poor and orphan and semi-orphans and bring to our Children’s Home.  But as our Home is full we keep them at a ready level to be admitted into the next Home Admission.  These out-number our targets.  Yet they that are in the ready list could be helped with our out ward extension helps until we get the sufficient provisions. And afterward the standard of these children and their Home living experiences (new) are brighter in every aspect.

We go to the Slum areas and the streets of huts where the children are ugly and unclean; and many of them are under child labour bondage; we gather them and teach them the Hygiene and health.  We distribute biscuits and eatables and teach them education with Gospel.  And a good impact is received from these societies.


More than about 40% of our Field-Villages; we are able to find few handicapped both of physically and of visually.  They need others support for their daily activities. This seems so pitiable.  We meet them and inquire of them how they could become victim to their abilities and we guide and help them accordingly and appropriately

Although these people groups appear rarely to our places, we find them in the town Bus-stands and Railway Stations; we arrange “GO-GIVE CAMPS” and “INVITE-GIVE CAMPS” to these poor vagabonds and we distribute them sustenance, clothes and soaps etc. Then we teach the Gospel to these gypsy people.  We gather all the children of these Gypsies and teach them Songs and Bible Stories. They are very anxious to know the Truth.

Village Missionary Movement has completed 10 years in ministry.  The children we first met have become youths. For them we conduct weekly prayer cells and Bible study. We also conduct evangelistic camp and three days discipleship camps for boys and girls separately.      
 In some villages through these youths we start tuition centres.  Through these tuition centres, we uplift children’s educational standard and also we preach gospel to these children.
 Further we carry on the following programmes for the youth.

The new young people of our fields who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in  their lives, in the ONE DAY CAMP or in any other occasion are brought to the 3 DAYS CAMP. The three days camp is difercified for both GENTS AND LADIES  on different dates.  Here the youngsters are taught what they need pertaining to the Spiritual Growth basing the doctrines of BAPTIZM of WATER and of THE SPIRIT centering the greatest subject—that is the LOVE of God and of Neighbour. The counselling also is given to particular young people about their TEEN AGE PROBLEMS and other things that would confront them as the obstacles for the growth of their spiritual life.


These Camps are held in all of our fieds and in all our targetted States--    (Tamil Naadu; Andhra & Orissa) for the young people either male or female (but in different places and different dates) who have committed their lives for the Lord Jesus as well to do the ministry to Him.  These are taught on various subjects of the BIBLE. And these after got trainned;    are utilised to be leaders of our Prayer Cells in the villages and they can          also be called for to be used in our VMM HeadQuarters as Full-time Misiiionaries.


Illiteracy as for as India is concerned; is primarily due to ignorance and poverty.  Ignorance can be eradicated with mental support; but poverty can be removed with the suffering of one(s) who is having such interest.  So, for supporting such matter; we have to suffer and support.  Of course we do this as far as we can. 

For this we take a careful search and survey and as per priority, we select according to our financial strength few students who might have the dropped-outs or to become drop-outs either in the Higher School Standard or in the College Standard.  So we fetch them and send them to our branch residences and cause them to resume their studies.  For which we have to cope-up the hiring of the residences for our branches as well we have to pay the fees etc., to the institutions where they continue their studies. 

In this support some 12 students are being supported by our VMM currently in this academic year.


This is a wonderful work.  Youngsters become the root cause either for destruction or construction.  For the stage is the most active one in the life span of man. The adversary is very curious in devastating the lives of the young people (Jn.10:10).  These people easily fall in the pits of evil and fill the hell. 

Our minisstry concentrates much on this matter and we form cells for praying only irrespective of doctrines or any other seducing.  The Prayer cells get to gether at least once in a week probably in the evenings both in the Colleges and Higher Schools.  For which our leaders would be invited now and then. These cells want to expand themselves both for Counselling and evangelising.  


We approach the Medical Personnels and experts and get appointments and enter in the publication among the public that too in rural side well.  Then we hold the MEDICAL CAMPS in the published places and scheduled dates and time.  We introduce the patients that might have been affected by killing diseases such as T.B., CANCER, AIDS & LEPROSY ETC.  And while we teach such victims they become aware and decide not to touch any intoxicated thing.

13.23.  YOUTH - CARES - YOUTH:

As per this scheme, we search out for the youth collegiate who can have surplus of finance or the amount of finance with which they can support other poor fellow mates—who may be at a dropping out stage.  So we take out a list of the names of persons of such poor standard financially and share the lists among them for their selection and cause the poor standard of the youth supported even by the same youth of the better standard.

VILLAGE WOMEN’S CAMP: When missionaries go to the village they minister among the children and the youths, they could not normally meet the women of the villages as they are shy and also it is culturally unacceptable. To reach these rural women we conduct village women’s camp in every field each year. In the morning session, we share the gospel with them. In the afternoon session, we explain to them why we came to their village and what we teach their children. We also highlight to them the impact of the messages we taught to their children. We also explain to them if their children do not have the word of God, they may become negative element in the society and become nuisance to the families and to the society. The women who attend this camp become very receptive to our missionaries in their consecutive visits. Further, we carry on the following programmes for the benefit of the women.

Film Ministry is one of the best ways to reach the rural mass with the gospel. We screen Jesus’ films and other gospel movies to spread the good news. In the recent years, there are no villages without television or other forms of entertainments. Hence, this is high time to reach the villages to communicate gospel through this media. We used Bible based films in rural churches and youth gatherings for initiating a revival.  Missionary Biography films have stirred many towards serving the lord.


In all Government Hospital about 90% of the patients are from surrounding villages.  Our missionaries visit these hospitals once a week.  They distribute tracts and share the gospel with the patients.  We give all possible help for those who have none to care for them.  Through the patients who had been touched by this ministry, we start children ministry in their respective villages.

            We carry on the following activities for benefit of the village people.
-       Medical Camps
-       Eye Camps
-       Veterinary Camps
-       Slum Development Scheme
-       Awareness Training Camps
-       Tribal People’s Welfare

3.28    HOMES:

            We conduct the following homes from VMM.

-       Old Age Home
-       Home for the Mentally Challenged
-       Home for the deserted


In every village of the mission field in which we work, there are many villages which have no proper transport facility. We use the van to visit these villages and to minister to them. For each district, we are planning to buy a gospel vehicle. With the help of such vehicle we can reach out 1000 villages every month


13.        MISSIONS OF VMM:
In the initial stage, Village Missionary Movement’s main ministry was general village evangelism.  We went from village to village conducting gospel meetings.  Though there have been many healings and miracles among the people, the cultural bondage prevented them from accepting Jesus Christ. This discouraged us very much.  However, during prayer, God spoke through John 21:15 to take up children’s ministry.  From that time the primary focus of village Missionary Movement was the children of the villages.

            Every week missionaries reach out the village regularly.  There they teach the gospel
         and lead them in prayer.  In every summer holiday we conduct VBS (Vacation Bible         School) in every village.

The workers of our VMM (Village Missionary Movement) visit the villages and the children therein weekly where there is no church or the church             which might have been stopped and monthly the places where there are       inactive churches.

13.3    CHILDREN’S HOME:        
Almost in every village we visit, we come across orphaned children. They are either fully orphaned or partially orphaned for various reasons such as parents’ death due to of some diseases or parents being sentenced in prison for some crime. These children live in a desperate situation with their grand parents or some          relatives, who find it very hard to feed them. They are also deprived of education, parental love and affection. In such cases, we adopt such orphans from the village we visit. We provide them healthy food, decent dressing and good education. Above all, we conduct prayer and Bible classes every day. In spite of law being forced, female infanticide is still practiced in many parts of the state. We rescue such girls-children and adopt in our homes. Also every year we conduct children’s camp in every field.


These schools are held in the new villages; after we have visited as well in the regular villages.  The duration is five days and these are held annually. Our Evangelists and Missionaries go to these villages and stay among them for holding these VBS. We purchase Books, notes, gifts, crayons, charts pictures visual-aids flags, Posters, Song sheets, Audio/Video cassettes and distribute to them by free of cost.  We also commemorate the last (5th) day as the Talent day Programme that the public particularly the parents are invited to view their children performing the Gospel activities and skits etc.  Thus almost all the public come to know the Gospel.


            The plan is set that the VMM Evangelists and Missionaries to go to the       Public School and meet all the students teaching them prayer, and Bible            stories and establishing children’s Clubs without having any partiality          between religion or caste or creed.  This has to cover both the rural and             urban population.  This is carried out at least once in a week.

Village Missionary Movement Aims and Objects.

        Vision Statement                           :           “To make the young generation                                                                                      belong to Jesus” (The least one shall                                                                                      become a clan and the smallest one a                                                                                      mighty nation;) Ish. 60:22.

        Aims & Objects of the Trust        :

i)             To start build, construct, expand, renovate, alter, run, manage and take over homes for the poor, aged, handicapped, orphans, widows, lepers and street children and impart them income generating skills and train them in handicrafts.

ii)            To do an engage in social work and social development.

iii)      To do evangelism among the unreached and to make the love of God manifest through Gospel and humanitarian social service.

iv)           To given and provide scholarship and support in all possible ways to students.

v)            To given and provide formal and non-formal education.

vi)       To establish homes, training institutes, special schools and work houses for rehabilitating the blind, deaf-mutes, mentally retarded and other physically handicapped children and adults.

vii)      To give, provide, render, help and assistance whether in cash or in kind to the poor, needy, orphans, widows, aged, lepers and handicapped.

viii)  To start establish, build construct, modify, run, maintain, manage and take over clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and counselling centres for the alcoholics and drug addicts.

ix)           To undertake health education, training of health workers and provide for health services.

x)            To educate and bring about an awareness among the general public about Aids.

xi)       To establish, start, build, construct, run, maintain, manage, renovate and take over all types of schools, colleges, hostels, and educational, vocational, professional, technical, rehabilitation and counselling institution for the benefit of socially, educationally and economically down-trodden people.

xii)      To establish, administer, maintain and manage libraries, reading rooms, tuition centres, study centres and recreation centres for the benefit of socially, educationally and economically down-trodden people.

xiii)    To start, establish, build, construct, maintain, manage, renovate, repaid and take over working women hostels and hostels for students.

xiv)     To take over or undertake management of any other charitable and religious organizations and institutions.

xv)         To start, run, establish, build, construct, maintain, manage, renovate, repair and take over churches, prayer houses, places of public worship and community halls for the use of general public.

xvi)        To conduct Bible study, convention, gospel crusades, meetings, camps, retreats and prayer meetings.

xvii)       To start, build, construct, expand, renovate, alter, run, manage, maintain and take over Bible Colleges, Bible Schools, Seminaries, and Missionaries training Centre.

xviii)     To preach the love of God and Gospel to all people and bring them to Jesus Christ.

xix)        To train people in social and missionary work and Bible teaching.

xx)         To donate to institutions and organizations having similar objects.

xxi)        To help, assist in all possible ways whether in cash or in kind to persons and their family members involved in ministry and missionary work.

xxii)       To do all acts, deed and things which are lawful, incidental to necessary and conducive to the attainment of the said objects.  All the activities of the trust shall be carried out without profit motive.

xxiii)     To give training and continuing education, help and assistance whether in cash or in kind the people engaged in Christian ministry.

xxiv)     To organize, conduct and sponsor meetings, seminars, conferences, retreats, symposiums, training, programmes, workshops, camps, dialogues, lecture series, discourses and debates in furtherance of objectives of the Trust.

xxv)       To work in collaboration with government and other charitable, educational, religious and social organizations in furtherance of objectives of the Trust.

xxvi)     To print and publish books, pamphlets, tracts and Christian literature.

xxvii)    To arrange for Audio and Video recording of Christian messages and songs and to make them available for public without profit.

xxviii)   To conduct Radio and T.V. Programs.

xxix)     To acquire, buy, purchase, run, maintain, manage, take over, or establish cemetery or burial ground.

xxx)       To engage in visiting the sick and suffering people in the hospitals, clinics and nursing homes so as to comfort them by sharing the message of God’s love for mankind.

xxxi)     To conduct Fasting Prayer meetings, Night Prayer meetings, Free worship Sessions in English so that people will grow more and more in faith and learn to share other people’s burden.

xxxii)    To establish, encourage and involve in the formation of House Prayer Cells wherever found necessary and thus nurture the habit of praying jointly for common causes.

xxxiii)   To arrange for film shows so as to propagate the message of God’s love for his children and God’s plan and ways for peaceful coexistence.

xxxiv)   To establish, running, supporting autonomous prayer cottages and prayer Houses.

xxxv)    Involving in Jail Ministry so as to infuse hope about the future and peace of mind which God alone can given into the lives of the prisoners and thus make them responsible and law-abiding citizens.

Village Missionary Movement Profile

[A Christian Missionary Organization,
Serving All People Irrespective of
Caste, Creed, Race, Religion and Gender
for Spiritual, Social & Economical Empowerment]

(Registered under Indian Trusts Act 1961)
No. 04 /2002

6/176, Malligai Street
Virudhunagar-626 001

visit us: www.vmm.org.in


                                      MISSIONARY FIELDS

                                           VMM FIELDS


Organizational Profile

1.         Name of the Trust                   :   VILLAGE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT

2.       Address                                   :         6/176, Malligai Street
Virudhunagar-626 001
Virudhunagar District      

          Phone No                                 :         04562-269352                  

          Mobile No                                 :         94431-69352

          Email ID                                   :         vmmbox@rediffmail.com       

          Website                                    :         www.vmm.org.in

3.       Year of establishment                 :         2001

4.       Trust Registration No. & Date     :         04 / 04-01-2002

5.       12A Registration No. & Date      :         8/05-06 (101/110/CIT-II/04-05
                                                                   dated 20-04-2005)

6.       PAN Number                            :         AAATV6139M

7.       Bank Account                           :          INDIAN BANK;              
                                                                   A/C No.426987571

8.       Chief Functionary                      :         K. GANESAN,
                                                                    MANAGING TRUSTEE