Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Village Missionary Movement Aims and Objects.

        Vision Statement                           :           “To make the young generation                                                                                      belong to Jesus” (The least one shall                                                                                      become a clan and the smallest one a                                                                                      mighty nation;) Ish. 60:22.

        Aims & Objects of the Trust        :

i)             To start build, construct, expand, renovate, alter, run, manage and take over homes for the poor, aged, handicapped, orphans, widows, lepers and street children and impart them income generating skills and train them in handicrafts.

ii)            To do an engage in social work and social development.

iii)      To do evangelism among the unreached and to make the love of God manifest through Gospel and humanitarian social service.

iv)           To given and provide scholarship and support in all possible ways to students.

v)            To given and provide formal and non-formal education.

vi)       To establish homes, training institutes, special schools and work houses for rehabilitating the blind, deaf-mutes, mentally retarded and other physically handicapped children and adults.

vii)      To give, provide, render, help and assistance whether in cash or in kind to the poor, needy, orphans, widows, aged, lepers and handicapped.

viii)  To start establish, build construct, modify, run, maintain, manage and take over clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and counselling centres for the alcoholics and drug addicts.

ix)           To undertake health education, training of health workers and provide for health services.

x)            To educate and bring about an awareness among the general public about Aids.

xi)       To establish, start, build, construct, run, maintain, manage, renovate and take over all types of schools, colleges, hostels, and educational, vocational, professional, technical, rehabilitation and counselling institution for the benefit of socially, educationally and economically down-trodden people.

xii)      To establish, administer, maintain and manage libraries, reading rooms, tuition centres, study centres and recreation centres for the benefit of socially, educationally and economically down-trodden people.

xiii)    To start, establish, build, construct, maintain, manage, renovate, repaid and take over working women hostels and hostels for students.

xiv)     To take over or undertake management of any other charitable and religious organizations and institutions.

xv)         To start, run, establish, build, construct, maintain, manage, renovate, repair and take over churches, prayer houses, places of public worship and community halls for the use of general public.

xvi)        To conduct Bible study, convention, gospel crusades, meetings, camps, retreats and prayer meetings.

xvii)       To start, build, construct, expand, renovate, alter, run, manage, maintain and take over Bible Colleges, Bible Schools, Seminaries, and Missionaries training Centre.

xviii)     To preach the love of God and Gospel to all people and bring them to Jesus Christ.

xix)        To train people in social and missionary work and Bible teaching.

xx)         To donate to institutions and organizations having similar objects.

xxi)        To help, assist in all possible ways whether in cash or in kind to persons and their family members involved in ministry and missionary work.

xxii)       To do all acts, deed and things which are lawful, incidental to necessary and conducive to the attainment of the said objects.  All the activities of the trust shall be carried out without profit motive.

xxiii)     To give training and continuing education, help and assistance whether in cash or in kind the people engaged in Christian ministry.

xxiv)     To organize, conduct and sponsor meetings, seminars, conferences, retreats, symposiums, training, programmes, workshops, camps, dialogues, lecture series, discourses and debates in furtherance of objectives of the Trust.

xxv)       To work in collaboration with government and other charitable, educational, religious and social organizations in furtherance of objectives of the Trust.

xxvi)     To print and publish books, pamphlets, tracts and Christian literature.

xxvii)    To arrange for Audio and Video recording of Christian messages and songs and to make them available for public without profit.

xxviii)   To conduct Radio and T.V. Programs.

xxix)     To acquire, buy, purchase, run, maintain, manage, take over, or establish cemetery or burial ground.

xxx)       To engage in visiting the sick and suffering people in the hospitals, clinics and nursing homes so as to comfort them by sharing the message of God’s love for mankind.

xxxi)     To conduct Fasting Prayer meetings, Night Prayer meetings, Free worship Sessions in English so that people will grow more and more in faith and learn to share other people’s burden.

xxxii)    To establish, encourage and involve in the formation of House Prayer Cells wherever found necessary and thus nurture the habit of praying jointly for common causes.

xxxiii)   To arrange for film shows so as to propagate the message of God’s love for his children and God’s plan and ways for peaceful coexistence.

xxxiv)   To establish, running, supporting autonomous prayer cottages and prayer Houses.

xxxv)    Involving in Jail Ministry so as to infuse hope about the future and peace of mind which God alone can given into the lives of the prisoners and thus make them responsible and law-abiding citizens.

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