Tuesday, 25 October 2011


13.        MISSIONS OF VMM:
In the initial stage, Village Missionary Movement’s main ministry was general village evangelism.  We went from village to village conducting gospel meetings.  Though there have been many healings and miracles among the people, the cultural bondage prevented them from accepting Jesus Christ. This discouraged us very much.  However, during prayer, God spoke through John 21:15 to take up children’s ministry.  From that time the primary focus of village Missionary Movement was the children of the villages.

            Every week missionaries reach out the village regularly.  There they teach the gospel
         and lead them in prayer.  In every summer holiday we conduct VBS (Vacation Bible         School) in every village.

The workers of our VMM (Village Missionary Movement) visit the villages and the children therein weekly where there is no church or the church             which might have been stopped and monthly the places where there are       inactive churches.

13.3    CHILDREN’S HOME:        
Almost in every village we visit, we come across orphaned children. They are either fully orphaned or partially orphaned for various reasons such as parents’ death due to of some diseases or parents being sentenced in prison for some crime. These children live in a desperate situation with their grand parents or some          relatives, who find it very hard to feed them. They are also deprived of education, parental love and affection. In such cases, we adopt such orphans from the village we visit. We provide them healthy food, decent dressing and good education. Above all, we conduct prayer and Bible classes every day. In spite of law being forced, female infanticide is still practiced in many parts of the state. We rescue such girls-children and adopt in our homes. Also every year we conduct children’s camp in every field.


These schools are held in the new villages; after we have visited as well in the regular villages.  The duration is five days and these are held annually. Our Evangelists and Missionaries go to these villages and stay among them for holding these VBS. We purchase Books, notes, gifts, crayons, charts pictures visual-aids flags, Posters, Song sheets, Audio/Video cassettes and distribute to them by free of cost.  We also commemorate the last (5th) day as the Talent day Programme that the public particularly the parents are invited to view their children performing the Gospel activities and skits etc.  Thus almost all the public come to know the Gospel.


            The plan is set that the VMM Evangelists and Missionaries to go to the       Public School and meet all the students teaching them prayer, and Bible            stories and establishing children’s Clubs without having any partiality          between religion or caste or creed.  This has to cover both the rural and             urban population.  This is carried out at least once in a week.


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